Welcome to Aurora Kastanias' official website

Aurora Kastanias is the author of existential novels and short stories.

Born from an Iranian mother and a Greek/British/Ghanaian father, she now lives in Rome after having travelled extensively throughout Europe and the Middle-Est. As a result of her multi-ethnicity, her works reflect the fusion of cultures characterising our globalisation era, by approaching different emotional intelligences in a unifying one.

Through her novels and through the means of voyages – whether within city roads or international journeys – she tackles issues concerning sentiments and emotions, such as feeling of belonging and loneliness, happiness and tedium, self-actualisation and self-contempt, usually combined with rationality and existential quest, revolutionising the concepts of time and space, life and death.

Exilium Vita Est

Exilium Vita Est has been Aurora Kastanias’ mantra all throughout the writing of her first book. The idea of life being an exile inevitably leads one to ponder upon the concepts of solitude and relationships. Can man find happiness or peace within society? And what happens to him when he ‘exiles’ from it? What is loneliness and where does one find contentment? These are only a few of the existential questions that spark the author’s works and lead her to create fantastic mental and physical journeys within material and intangible spaces.


aurora kastanias


Darius - Exilium Vita Est

19/06/2013 19:02
Aurora Kastanias’ latest existential novel is now available...

Website launched

18/06/2013 18:30
Aurora Kastanias’ new website was launched today to provide...